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🧭 Availability

I typically have my mentorship sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays and there are usually 2 slots per week. On these days I also prioritize researching, responding to messages, creating content, etc. So I try to reply to messages as frequently as possible, but I am more likely to connect and provide answers on those two days. I just wanted to give you a heads up on when I'm most available in case you have questions or need my help!

🪫 No Shows

I totally understand that last minute things happen. Don't you worry. I will wait for 10 minutes for each session. If you can't make it, feel free to book another time that works better for you. I'd love to meet you!

🔭 Channels

You can send me a message on LinkedIn, on the ADPList chat or on my email: [email protected], as you prefere. I check them all with the same frequency.